Housing with Support Floating Support Young People Offenders/Ex-Offenders Mental Health Support

Ex-offenders have complex needs and often challenging histories and futures. Many have multiple barriers from employment including low skills, low literacy, spotty work history as well as behavioural issues and often separated from family and friends.


Compounding these barriers is a wide spread reluctance of employers to hire individuals with criminal records. We specialise in working with ex-offenders who suffer from personality disorders and enduring mental health illnesses. We work with the individual

concerned, and our partners in the statutory, voluntary and community sectors, to give ex-offenders re-entry routes back to living independently, education, training and employment.


Probation and Prison services can refer pre-released or newly released offenders, who have at least 6 months remaining under supervision and who are classified as being in need of intensive support. Referrals can be made for accommodation or support with employment, education, life and social skills, understanding their criminal behaviour and stopping further offences, this will ensure that they can make positive change, re-think behaviours, and make the right choices.