
Who Can Make Referrals? 

TCHCS accepts referrals from various agencies depending  on funding arrangements; Local Authorities, Leaving and After Care Teams, Probation, Connexions etc. for vulnerable people of ages 16 and over. However, this will greatly depend on the funding arrangements for the person in question.  TCHCS is committed to Fairness and Equity in all its operations including referral process. From the referral stage, TCHCS believes that it is important to identify all parties involved in the support of the prospective applicants to establish a rapport that will facilitate effective and efficient support to the customer. This initiative will also help to set clear boundaries of all parties involved in the service provision to customers.


Who Can Be Referred?

In order to access the TCHCS Support Service, applicants need to demonstrate their commitment to pursuing an agreed personal development plan with Support Workers, which will cover education, training and employment. We are here to impact lives positively and constructively. In addition to this, prospective customer need to understand that s/he will be moving into a shared environment, live and share communal facilities with people from different ethnic background, have different sexual orientations and beliefs, have different religious and cultural beliefs and that others perspectives to life and situations might be different from theirs.  Therefore, his/her personal ability to understand and accept this policy will positively enhance a comfortable living at our projects.


Referral Process

We accept referrals from various agencies including local authorities, Leaving and After Care Teams, Probation and other independent Providers of Social Care and Support Services of vulnerable people over the ages of 16, this also include emergency placements where unit is available. Once accepted for support, a Support Worker is allocated to each customer. TCHCS support workers work closely with Social Workers, College tutors, Probation, Solicitors and other professionals.

TCHCS lays emphasis on support provision of the highest quality; as a result, we appreciate all information about the prospective customer from referring agents. A Support Plan /integrated risk assessment will be completed for all successful applicants and this will provide clarity for all agencies about the customer’s needs and the expected result from the referral.

Prior to referral, you would normally undertake your own assessment and be clear about the applicant’s needs and the outcomes expected from the referral.

Following receipt of Referrals from you, the Manager and two Support Workers will carry out the initial referral assessment eligibility including eligibility for welfare benefits and suitability of available unit for the applicant.

Following the assessment, we will contact you in writing / phone to invite you and the applicant for placement interview.

This interview process will also scan and assess the applicant’s demonstration to commit to our terms and conditions particularly in compliance to pursuing a constructive daily activity and independence for moving on and opportunity to view the project.


Successful Applicants

If applicant is successful for housing and support with us, we will communicate this to you verbally and in writing and a Meeting will be arranged and agreed for applicant to view the allocated room. During this Meeting applicant will have the opportunity to formally meet his/her allocated Support Worker. If the applicant accepts and signs the offer of the support and our terms and conditions, we will then agree a Move-in date. 


Unsuccessful Applicants

Every unsuccessful application will be communicated in writing to the referring agencies.


Equal Opportunities:  TCHCS intends to ensure that no prospective or actual employee or customer receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of disability; age; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; race; colour; nationality; religious beliefs; ethnic or national origin; or is disadvantaged by any condition or requirement which cannot be shown to be justified.


Diversity and Inclusion:  This Organisation is committed to delivering its services fairly to all sections of the community where it operates and to ensure that all staff and customers have fair and equal access to our services regardless of their gender; race; colour; culture; nationality; ethnic background; sexual orientation; religion or belief and disability.  TCHCS is committed to developing a broad workforce and balanced customers which would reflect the community it serves and which values and develops the skills and abilities of people from diverse backgrounds.


A Referral form can be downloaded by clicking here. Referral forms can also be requested by contacting us via our website, phone, via the post or by fax.