What is Floating Support?
Floating Support is a flexible support service that helps you manage your affairs and to live independently. Our Housing Support Workers are specially trained to provide help and advice to disabled people in their own home. The support offered is available for as long as the customer requires it. Help for people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health-related support needs to manage their home could last longer.
Your Housing Support Worker will discuss your support and will draw up a plan with you that set out what support we will provide and how and when that support will be delivered. The level of support can increase or decrease as your needs change.
How can I access the Floating Support service?
TCHCS Floating Support service is available to tenants of and, in certain areas, to people who are not our tenants. This can include council tenants, tenants of other housing associations, owner occupiers or people living in private rented accommodation.
Floating Support can be accessed via a referral from:
• Your Housing Officer
• Your care manager, social worker or occupational therapist
• The Supporting People team at your local authority
• Any advice or support agency
• Or you can apply directly.