Housing with Support Floating Support Young People Offenders/Ex-Offenders Mental Health Support

At Three counties Housing Care and Support, we practised our belief in social inclusion and recovery. We believe that mental health is everyone’s business, and that we are all dependent on each other to a greater or lesser degree for our mental wellbeing.


We believe that recovery is a journey, and is different for each person. While there is no single definition of recovery, the achievement of the best possible quality of life for each individual lies at the heart of our support journey with the client.


The people who use our Services are central to everything we do. We believe that each person is unique, and should have the opportunity to take control over his or her life, and to develop new meanings and purposes. We concentrate on the whole person, rather than on diagnostic categories or labels.


We support, make suggestions and encourage people with mental health problems so they have the knowledge and confidence to develop their own personal choices, and build on the skills necessary to manage their mental health problems.


Our 24 Hour Supported Housing provides accommodation for people with mental health problems aged 18 years +, with the added provision of 24 hour Staff support on site. The precise facilities provided will differ between Services, and will typically offer an assured shorthold fully furnished tenancy for each resident with own room with a range of communal facilities, or a flat with one bedroom, lounge/dining area, kitchen and bathroom, (this is subject to assessment of abilities to independent living skills) which may also have some communal or meeting facilities attached.


We aim to encourage each individual’s sense of security, purpose and fulfilment, and develop the skills necessary to manage their mental health problems, Life-long homes, resettlement and support . We support progress to more independent living and access to community services.