About Us

Who we are

Three Counties Housing Care and Support (TCHCS) specialises in bespoke housing  and support  services that will enable vulnerable individuals with housing and support needs to live and lead sustainable independent living in their communities.


We are committed to making a real difference and giving hope to the hopeless particularly those whose lives have been affected by homelessness, crime and mental health illnesses. TCHCS provides housing, care, resettlement, and community services for all vulnerable client groups including those young people with challenging behaviour, mental health disorder, offending history in London and the South East.


Our vision is for people who want to live a quality independent life style and regard TCHCS as their first choice provider of housing and support services. We have built our reputation as a ‘cutting edge’ independent provider, offering high quality and best value for money housing and support services. We are known for our commitment to provide flexible and ingenious housing and support solutions to vulnerable people.


We work in partnership with Local Authority Housing, Social Services and Supporting People teams, the Homes and Communities Agency, and mainstream Registered Social Landlords to help deliver flexible and tailored housing and support for people who want to live more independently.


The pursuit of our visions is underpinned by the following values, which permeate the whole organisation:


Quality: We provide a high quality service and strive to improve upon our standards and performance wherever possible.


Respect: We are aware that our customers are individuals, each with their own unique needs and aspirations.


Value: our housing and support services are affordable, efficient and responsive to the needs of our customers.


Integrity: We actively encourage a culture of openness, honesty and accountability.


Is our commitment to be:


Proactivity: Seeking innovative and creative solutions for the benefit of our customers and partners acting on time to avoid reactivity. We see our customers as part of the commissioning body of our services and therefore our support from their point of view and changing needs.


Prudence: We will ensure our long-term financial vision is carefully managed to produce sustainable growth for both staff and services.


Professionalism: We work with our partners and customers to achieve mutual and beneficial outcomes.


What we do

We provide housing with support to vulnerable people aged 16 and over. Our expert team of staff provide them with relevant and appropriate support in learning to live with self-esteem, confidence and independence. They are expected to obtain important life skills to sustain independent living and tenancy when they move on into their community. In order to access our support service, applicants need to demonstrate their commitment to pursuing an agreed personal development pathway with our Support Workers in areas such as education, training, voluntary employment and paid employment. Applicants must sign a contract to demonstrate that they will be compliance to our terms and conditions including our House Rules.


Click here to learn more about our Referral Process


Equal Opportunities:  TCHCS intends to ensure that no prospective or actual employee or customer receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of disability; age; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; race; colour; nationality; religious beliefs; ethnic or national origin; or is disadvantaged by any condition or requirement which cannot be shown to be justified.


Diversity and Inclusion:  This Organisation is committed to delivering its services fairly to all sections of the community where it operates and to ensure that all staff and customers have fair and equal access to our services regardless of their gender; race; colour; culture; nationality; ethnic background; sexual orientation; religion or belief and disability.  TCHCS is committed to developing a broad workforce and balanced customers which would reflect the community it serves and which values and develops the skills and abilities of people from diverse backgrounds.